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Beekeeper Michael Family
Byron Bay
- The story of Australia's Manuka -

Beekeeper Michael Howes is a veteran beekeeper who has been producing natural honey for the past 20 years, without the use of pesticides, antibiotics or artificial sugars.

Born and raised in a town in New Zealand where beekeeping is popular, he helped a local beekeeper from an early age, and then moved to Sydney, Australia. Even though he worked as a civil servant, he could not forget the fun he had with beekeeping as a child, so he moved to Byron Bay, a warm place well suited to beekeeping.

While walking around Byron Bay, surrounded by nature, looking for a suitable place for beekeeping, I met a Mario woman. She told me a place where wild manuka flowers were blooming. And to my surprise, it turned out to be a habitat for 83 of the 86 types of manuka flowers in the world.

Bioactive Manuka Honey was born from Michael, a New Zealander, and his passion for honey led him to want more people around the world to know about the wonderful properties of Manuka honey.

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​― 養蜂家マイケル・ハウズ氏からのメッセージ ―

My family and I make Manuka honey in Byron Bay, surrounded by abundant nature. Manuka honey is also known as Leptospermum honey or Jellybush honey, and has been scientifically proven to be effective against bacteria, inflammation, cuts, and intestinal problems. In beekeeping management, we do not use antibiotics, chemical disinfectants, or artificially administer sugar, and we produce organic Manuka honey.

Beekeeper Michael

By using a cold extraction method, we are able to deliver the active properties of the honey, such as various enzymes, vitamins, and antibacterial properties, to consumers in a natural state. According to the results of the analysis of Manuka honey's ingredients by a government-certified testing agency, the components, especially the antibacterial component MGO, are strictly controlled.

Our entire family is proud of our company and our commitment to providing the highest quality Manuka honey to people all over the world.

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- Thoughts from producer AUSTRALIA'S MANUKA -

養蜂家マイケル ハウズ氏は1996年にアクティブ ジェリーブッシュ ハニー(オーストラリアではマヌカハニーをこう呼んでいました)を生産販売する「Tyagarah Apleries社」をファミリービジネスとしてニューサウス ウェールズ州の北部バイロンベイ地方で設立しました。

The family and employees who work at this company do everything from producing Manuka honey to selling it themselves. This allows them to control not only the environment surrounding the Manuka flowers and the health of the bees, but also the entire process from non-heated cold extraction to filling containers, packaging and selling, giving them absolute confidence in their quality control.

The Manuka honey produced in this way is controlled based on the results of component analysis by government-approved testing agencies, but the MGO value, an antibacterial component that affects the value of Manuka honey, is particularly strictly controlled.

Our family and employees are proud to provide you with the highest quality Manuka honey.


- VANTOP's vision -

『 母と愛犬とのハッピーライフのために 』


When I visited Byron Bay in Australia with a friend, I met the Michael Howes family . They are veteran beekeepers who have been producing natural honey for the past 20 years without using any pesticides, antibiotics or artificial sugars.

At the time, I knew about Manuka honey but had no particular interest in it.

This experience changed my outlook on life. Michael is also a big dog lover, and he gave his beloved dog Daisy Manuka honey . In Australia, using Manuka honey to improve the immunity of pets is commonplace, and pets don't just eat it, they mix it into their shampoo and bath salts, living a Manuka lifestyle just like humans do. Daisy's fur was shiny and beautiful, and she was full of energy.

I was so impressed by this lifestyle that I decided to study Manuka honey after that encounter. Shortly after returning to Japan, I started a Manuka diet with my elderly mother and old dog. I started giving Manuka honey to my 17-year-old dog and about three months later, I began to see changes. He had been shedding a lot and his coat was uneven, but it gradually became darker and more even. His bad breath, which was his biggest concern, improved, and the large wart on his back started to shrink. What made me happiest was that he started moving around energetically and youthfully.

We want to share this fact with many dog lovers who have the same concerns, and support them in spreading happy lives with their adorable pets. Because they are important members of the family, we want them to stay healthy for as long as possible. Manuka Pet Care was born with this wish in mind.

My 93 year old mother and my 17 year old Yorkshire terrier

Even though their appetites are getting smaller, they now eat Manuka every day!

My 93 year old mother and my 17 year old Yorkshire terrier!

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